EiA 2006
session 01 : monday, 19 june - friday, 07 july
The Catholic University of America
School of Architecture and Planning
Monday, 06.19 Welcome To EiA
10:00 Introductory Remarks, Light Breakfast and Refreshments _Crough Center - Locraft Room
Intro to the Program and Schedule
Tours of the Crough Center, Pryzbyla Center and Facilities
12:00 Break for Lunch
1:00 Meet as Entire Group; Divide into Studio Groups Crough Center_Studio (Near Miller Space)
Get ID cards in Studio Groups_Leahy Hall - Office of Public Safety
Introduce the "Kit of Parts Transformed" Project_Crough Center - Studio
4:00 Review the "Kit of Parts Transformed" Project
5:00 Homework: Vocabulary Search Assignment
Tuesday, 06.20 An Architect's Tools: Pens, Paper and Production, Part I
10:00 Lecture I: Professor Eric Jenkins_Crough Center - Locraft Room
"Perceiving Architectural Elements: Freehand Sketching"
12:00 Break for Lunch at CUA
1:00 Lecture: EiA Instructors _Crough Center – Koubek Auditorium
“The Vocabulary of Architects"
2:30 Studio Demonstration: EiA Instructors_Crough Center - Studio
"Model Building Techniques"
4:00 Introduce Seminar Project and Phase I
Begin Constructing the Phase I Model-Making Pieces
5:00 Homework: Finish Constructing the Phase I Model-Making Pieces
Wednesday, 06.21 An Architect's Tools: Pens, Paper and Production, Part II
9:30 Meet as a Group for Metro Crough Center - Studio
Introduce Sketch Assignment #1
10:00 Sketch Assignment I _National Building Museum_401 F St NW
Exhibits: Newer Orleans [a shared space]; Modernity + the Metropolis
Metro - Judiciary Square (Red Line)
12:00 Metro as a Group Back to CUA
Break for Lunch
1:30 Lecture II: Professor Eric Jenkins _Crough Center - Koubek Auditorium
"Diagramming Architectural Elements: Analytical Sketching"
3:30 Begin Constructing Phase I Model; Sketch #1 Deskcrits_Crough Center - Studio
5:00 Homework: Finish Constructing Phase I Mode
5:30 SIA Lecture - D. Michelle Addington [Harvard University] - Koubek Auditorium
Thursday, 06.22 Sketching as Thinking and Doing
10:00 Lecture III: David Shove-Brown, EiA Director
"Drawing to Fabrication"_Crough Center – Koubek Auditorium
11:00 Meet in Studio; Metro to CUAdc Construction Site_Stuart Hobson Middle School_410 E Street NE
12:00 Break for Lunch
1:00 Meet in Studio; Walk to Sketch Assignment #2 Site_Pope John Paul II Cultural Center_3900 Harewood Rd NE
Point, Line, Plane, Volume, Path, Entry, Arrival
3:30 Deskcrits on Models and Sketch #2_Crough Center - Studio
5:00 Homework: Continue Developing Phase I Models / Sketches
Friday, 06.23 Being Your Own Client : An Architect's House
9:30 Meet in Studio - Discussion; Introduce Sketch Assignment #3_Crough Center - Studio
10:00 Metro as Group to Sketch Assignment #3 Site_Hallet Residence_542 28th Street NW
Response to Site, Spatial Hierarchy, Response to Clients 4
12:00 Metro as Group back to CUA. Break for Lunch.
1:30 Meet in Studio. Discussion; Deskcrits for Sketch #3_Crough Center - Studio
5:00 Homework: Continue Developing Phase I Models and Sketches
Saturday, 06.24
Work Continues on Studio Project, Phase I_Crough Center – Studio
7:00 DC United vs. Kansas City Wizards [optional]_RFK Stadium
Sunday, 06.25
Work Continues on Studio Project, Phase I_Crough Center - Studio
Monday, 06.26 Presentation Skills and the Art of Salesmanship
9:00 Discussion: EiA Instructors _Crough Center - Studio
"Brief Overview of the Jury Process"
9:30 Pin-up Phase I Work, by Studio Group_Crough Center – Review Locations TBA
10:00 First Review : Phase I _Crough Center – Review Locations TBA
12:00 Break for Lunch
1:00 Studio Discussion: Phase I Postmortem_Crough Center - Studio
Introduction to Seminar Project Phase II: Orthographics
Photodocumentation for Phase I Work_Crough Center - Media Office (Basement)
5:00 Homework: Begin Phase II "Warm-ups"; Hardline Phase I Models
6:00 Movie Night #1: "Bladerunner”_ Crough Center - Koubek Auditorium
Tuesday, 06.27 The Finns Are In!
9:00 Meet as a Group for Metro. Introduce Sketch Assignment #4_Crough Center - Studio
9:30 Depart Metro; Walk Up Embassy Row to Sketch #4 Site
10:00 Sketch Assignment #4 The Embassy of Finland_3301 Massachusetts Ave NW
Layers, Phenomenal Transparency, Interaction with Nature
12:00 Metro as a Group Back to CUA
Break for Lunch
1:00 Studio: Worksession for Phase II work; Deskcrits for Sketch #4_Crough Center - Studio
Discuss Requirements for Phase II Review
5:00 Homework: Continue Working on the Phase II Work
Wednesday, 06.28 "Memorial" Day
9:30 Meet as a Group for Metro. Introduce Sketch Assignments #5 & #6 Crough Center - Studio
10:00 Sketching Assignment #5_Vietnam War Memorial + Korean War Memorial + World War II Memorial_National Mall
Siting, Material Properties, Movement Through Space, Metaphor
12:00 Bring / Buy Lunch: Students Receive Money from Pettycash Fund
1:00 Sketching Assignment #6_Holocaust Memorial Museum_100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW
Duality, Contradiction, and Confusion relative to Memory
2:30 Metro as a Group Back to CUA
Studio Work Session; Deskcrits for Sketches #5 & #6 Crough Center - Studio
5:00 Homework: Finish Phase II Work
5:30 SIA Lecture - Karl Daubmann [University of Michigan] - Koubek Auditorium
Thursday, 06.29 Community-Responsive Architecture
9:30 Meet as Group for Metro. Introduce Sketching Assignment #7_Crough Center - Studio
10:00 Office Visit I: A Small Office_Suzane Reatig Architecture_1312 8th Street, NW
11:00 Sketching Assignment #7_Metropolitan Community Church_474 Ridge St NW
Neighborhood Scale, Significance of Client
12:00 Metro as a Group Back to CUA
Break for Lunch
1:30 Second Review: Phase II_Crough Center - Studio; Review Locations TBA
3:00 Studio Discussion: Phase II Postmortem
3:30 Introduction to Seminar Project Phase III : Knowing the Client
Deskcrits for Sketch #7 and Work-to-Date
4:30 Discussion: EiA Instructors OR (TBD) Crough Center - Koubek Auditorium
"A Brief Introduction to Modernism"
5:00 Homework: Continue Working on Phase III
Friday, 06.30 The Art of Architecture
9:30 Meet as a Group in Studio. Introduce Sketch Assignment #8_Crough Center - Studio
10:00 Sketching Assignment #8_National Gallery of Art East / West Wings_3rd Street at Constitution Ave NW
Additive and Subtractive Form, Classical vs. Modern Vocabulary_Hirshorn Gallery of Modern Art_7th Street at Independence
12:00 Metro as a Group to CUA.
Break for Lunch.
1:00 Digital Lab I: Photoshop_Crough Center - Computer Lab; Studio
Each studio group will have 1:20 reserved in the computer lab. Studio work-sessions and deskcrits for Sketch #8 will take place as each group rotates through the computer lab.
5:00 Homework: Continue Phase III Work. Construct an Updated Set of Models and Drawings that Incorporate Phase II Review Comments
Saturday, 07.01
Work Continues on Studio Project, Phase III_Crough Center – Studio
7:00 Washington Nationals vs. Tampa Bay Devil Rays [optional]_RFK Stadium
Sunday, 07.02 (OPTIONAL)
10:00 Meet as a Group for Metro_Crough Center - Studio
11:00 Just Lunch and a Field Trip: Don't Forget Your Sketchbooks!_Eastern Market_225 7th St SE
1:30 Metro as a Group Back to CUA
2:00 Work Continues on Studio Project, Phase III_Crough Center – Studio
Monday, 07.03 How I Spent My Summer Vacation - The Importance of Documentation, Part I
9:30 Meet as a Group for Metro. Introduce Sketching Assignment #9_Crough Center - Studio
10:00 Sketching Assignment #9_The Streets and Alleys of Georgetown
Pedestrian Scale, Surprise and Discovery
12:00 Lunch in Georgetown at Student's Expense OR
Metro Back for Lunch at CUA
2:00 Work Continues on Studio Project, Phase III_Crough Center – Studio
Tuesday, 07.04 Happy Birthday, America!
No morning class! Catch Some Extra Z's in the Morning …
1:00 Studio Work Session for Phase III_Crough Center - Studio
4:00 Cook-out + Fireworks on the National Mall
Wednesday, 07.05 Another Look at the History of Architecture
10:00 Digital Demonstration: Professor Luis Boza_Crough Center - Koubek Auditorium
"CAD/CAM Technologies"
11:00 Digital Lab II: Sketch-Up!_Crough Center - Computer Lab; Studio
Each studio group will have 1 hour reserved in the computer lab. Studio work-sessions will take place as each group rotates through the computer lab.
Break for Lunch at CUA.
1:00 Studio Work Session for Phase III_Crough Center - Studio
3:00 Lecture IV : Professor Barry Yatt_Crough Center - Koubek Auditorium
"The Diversity of Architectural Careers"
4:15 Lecture: David Shove-Brown, EiA Director_Crough Center - Koubek Auditorium
"The Importance of the Client – A Case Study Analysis"
5:00 Homework: Begin Phase III Charrette
6:00 Movie Night #2: "The Fountainhead”_Crough Center - Koubek Auditorium
Thursday, 07.06 Big Projects, Big Clients
9:00 Meet as a Group for Metro_Crough Center - Studio
10:00 Office Visit II - Large Office _OPX_21 Dupont Circle, NW
12:00 Metro as a Group Back to CUA
Break for Lunch
1:00 Project "Charrette." Deskcrits for Sketch #10 / Finals_Crough Center - Studio
5:00 Homework: Charrette for One Last Push!
Friday, 07.07 Final Presentations: The Big Payoff
9:30 Final Pin-up; Open-Invite for Families and Friends_Crough Center - Studio; Review Locations TBA
10:00 Third Review: Final Project (Open to Family / Friends)_Crough Center - Studio; Review Locations TBA
12:00 Break for Lunch
1:00 Reception for Students, Family and Friends_Crough Center - Studio
Slide Show and Awards Ceremony_Crough Center - Koubek Auditorium
3:00 End Session One _Crough Center - Koubek Auditorium